Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Message on Kindness and Love

Good morning, my name is Ken Mattison, hospital president.  Have you ever thrown pebbles into a lake with your children, teaching them about the ripple effect?  You learned about the physical properties of water in high school physics but there is much more to learn from ripples.  Kindness and love also produce ripples.  They spread out from people and have far-reaching and long lasting influence.  I hope you can do or say something to someone that will ripple out in blessing to them and also receive kindness back today, or some day in some way.  Remember the Scripture that says, Cast your bread on the water and it will return to you after many days.”

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday Morning Blessing

Good morning, my name is Ken Mattison, hospital president.  The Psalmist says, “The heavens declare the glory of God and the skies proclaim the work of His hands.”  The daily skyscapes in Florida are a delightful panorama to behold, whether brilliant blue with immense white fluffy clouds or dark with storm clouds.  We humans are also the work of His hands and whether it’s raining in your life or the sky is blue, the sun always shines.  May you see His rainbow in your sky today!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday Morning Message

Good morning, my name is Ken Mattison, hospital president. It may seem to you that a time of illness should not be time to start an exercise routine, but actually it is imperative that many of our patients be put through their paces.  We have an excellent physical therapy department with skilled staff who help people every day to regain enough strength and mobility to resume their normal lives. Our bodies are built to move. May you feel God’s strength and support today!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Good morning, my name is Ken Mattison, hospital president. If you are like the rest of us, sometimes life seems a mass of tangled issues. We may have health issues, financial issues, relationship issues and maybe a host of other issues. The truth is that most knots can be untangled by making the commitment to patiently work out the details. This is not usually easy work for any of us, but with God’s blessing we can find solutions and live a richer and more fulfilling life. So, go for it!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Florida Hospital Waterman is Dedicated to Excellence

Good morning, my name is Ken Mattison, hospital president.  Florida Hospital Waterman is dedicated to excellence in every sphere.  We place great emphasis on evidence-based medicine and excellent clinical processes, as well as the wonders of faith, prayer and compassion.  I hope that you will be enriched by our competence and blessed by God with your health.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday February 22 Morning Blessing

Good morning, my name is Ken Mattison, hospital president.  There are thousands of professions in our modern world and many of them are needed in our day-to-day operations at Florida Hospital Waterman.  From computer skills and cooking to nursing and cleaning (and everything else in between) we need people who have dedicated their minds, hands and hearts to come together on common hospital ground to give an uncommon level of care.  May our patients experience God’s healing blessings through us today.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Good morning, my name is Ken Mattison, hospital president. It means a lot when you know you can depend on someone! For team members-whether on the basketball court or on the hospital floor, you need to know your colleagues are competent, consistent, and reliable. We each strive for those goals as we compassionately care for those who are ill in our community.  In so doing we also care for each other.  Thank God, we can always rely on Him to be faithful to us!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday February 20th Morning Blessing

Good morning, my name is Ken Mattison, hospital president.  Hospital patients face many emotions when visiting here as our guests.  Their lives are out of the normal routine; fear, pain, boredom and frustration often complicate their illness.  Sometimes just a word, a touch or a smile from a caregiver can transform their difficult experience into one that is tolerable and hopefully even a blessing.  May God help each of us to reach out to be God’s touch for our patients and colleagues today!   

Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday Morning Blessing February 17th

Good morning, my name is Ken Mattison, hospital president. I often reflect on how grateful I am for the Lake County community. We are blessed with a strong infrastructure. Firefighters and law enforcement respond quickly to our emergencies. Local government plans for our future with roads, schools, and whatever we need to meet our growth. There are myriads of other unsung heroes who keep life going here in Lake County. Our employees here at Florida Hospital Waterman are part of that group who provide a safe environment for those who are fighting disease. Thank you all for what you do to bless us with the skills of your hands and the compassion of your hearts.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Morning Blessing, Thursday February 16th

Good morning, my name is Ken Mattison, hospital president. I enjoy being a shade tree mechanic. I have learned that simple care can keep my car in good shape--clean oil in the engine, air in the tires, wax on the body and water in the radiator, to name a few.  We are born with a human body; it is the only one we are given. And the truth is, there are very simple lifestyle issues that will make us run better--eating appropriate amounts of healthy foods, sleeping enough, exercising consistently, keeping a positive outlook and trusting God. Sometimes easy things are hard to do but it’s possible and it’s worth it!  May God help us care for our personal gift of life.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Good morning, my name is Ken Mattison, hospital president.  Florida Hospital Waterman is growing larger but we always want to remember our small-town roots. We were planted in a small Lake County community.  Generations of families have worked at Florida Hospital Waterman, and multitudes of Lake County citizens have passed through our doors. We have celebrated and grieved together, as community. Today we stand together looking toward the future. May God bless our endeavors to improve the health of our county!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Good morning, my name is Ken Mattison, hospital president. Have you ever thrown pebbles into a lake with your children, teaching them about the ripple effect? You learned about the physical properties of water in high school physics but there is much more to learn from ripples. Kindness and love also produce ripples. They spread out from people and have far-reaching and long lasting influence. I hope you can do or say something to someone that will ripple out in blessing to them and also receive kindness back today, or some day in some way. Remember the Scripture that says, Cast your bread on the water and it will return to you after many days.”
Good morning, my name is Ken Mattison, hospital president. Each morning as I drive onto our campus here at Florida Hospital Waterman I feel so grateful for this beautiful location. We are surrounded by lakes, orange trees, roses, a pair of eagles, and even an alligator! Those who work on the grounds here do such a fine job keeping the landscape interesting and inspiring. I invite you to join me in thanking them for their good work in the hot sun. Their work makes life more pleasant for all of us. I believe God intended that we all work together to make life good for each other. May God bless us as we seek to bless our world.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Morning Blessings from Hospital President Ken Mattison

Good morning, my name is Ken Mattison, hospital president.  Even after living in Florida for several years I am still amused at one tropical phenomenon.  I can be standing on one side of the street with rain dousing me and look to the other side where my wife stands in the sunshine.  It seems like a good analogy of life You may feel like you are getting the brunt of a storm but I hope you can see the sun shining in your future.  God bless you on your journey through life.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Morning Blessings from Hospital President Ken Mattison

Good morning, my name is Ken Mattison, hospital president.  Within Florida Hospital Waterman lies something like a genetic code that informs and defines our action.  You might call our mission statement our hospital DNA.  We exist to bless our community in a healing ministry that cares for the whole person.  Each of us as members of the hospital team has the great responsibility to have our actions match our words.  Living our values is the way our mission lives and breathes.  May God help us represent Him with competence and compassion!