Friday, March 23, 2012

Keeping Our Hospital Beautiful.

Keeping your workspace free of clutter and organized gives you a mental boost; and enables you to be more effective.  We are all responsible to keep our environment tidy.  At Florida Hospital Waterman, our Environmental Service workers do an excellent job; but we each need to do our part so that our lovely hospital stays presentable for everyone. Thank you to our staff and volunteers, for what you do to keep our hospital beautiful.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thoughful Message on Change...

Have you ever heard it said that the one constant in life is change?  Human beings are constantly changing, throughout their entire lives and we should be used to it, but the reality is that change is usually difficult for us. It is also a great source of comfort to know that we are cared for by a God who is constant.  His love doesn’t change.  May this give you courage to face your day!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Florida Hospital Waterman...A Community of Health and Healing

We never know who will be coming through our hospital doors today.  We need to be ready for whatever our community needs.  This requires diligent planning, foresight and organization.  All 1300 of our employees are working to keep our hospital ready for any emergency. May God’s blessings enable us to be the safety net for those who need us today!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tuesday Thoughts...

Good morning, my name is Ken Mattison, hospital president.  Sometimes in a rare moment I manage to clear my desk, but that doesn’t mean that my work is done.  There are always piles of challenges waiting in the wings for me to accomplish.  I know the same thing is true for the caregivers who help our patients.  Sometimes it does feel overwhelming.  There will always be more to do but God has promised His grace is sufficient for whatever we face.  May that be our experience as we work for Him today at Florida Hospital Waterman.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday Morning Blessing

Good morning, my name is Ken Mattison, hospital president.  Each day the hospital census is created to reflect the names and important patient-specific information of each of our special patients.  To God and to us, these names are more than their particular arrangement of letters in the alphabetical list, they are human beings with important needs, precious lives, and loved families.  May God bless us with strength to minister to them in their great need while they are in our care.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday Morning Blessing

Good morning, my name is Ken Mattison, hospital president. For those of us who work full time at Florida Hospital Waterman, a large chunk of our life’s time is spent here. Helping the sick in our county to recover is one of the most meaningful jobs I can think of and I want to thank each of our caregivers and support staff for your diligence. It reminds me of the text in Colossians that says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord…” I’m not the boss; He is!

Message on Diversity

Good morning, my name is Ken Mattison, hospital president. Patients and staff alike are very diverse! Race, gender, illness, cultural background, religious persuasion and much more needs to be considered as we reach out to our patients. Thank God we have such a broad diversity in our work force at Florida Hospital Waterman! May God help us to treat all with dignity and respect, for God’s love and care is for everyone!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday Morning Thoughts...Communication

Good morning, my name is Ken Mattison, hospital president. The world is connected with wires and beams that make it possible for us to see and hear what is going on in distant parts of the globe.  Phone lines and satellites keep us connected. Lives have been saved in hospitals across the continents because of the medical information available through modern technology. Communication is vital among health care providers here at Florida Hospital Waterman. It is very important that we keep patients and caregivers up to date with relevant information. Prayer is the ultimate wireless communication that keeps us connected to God. Let’s talk with Him often.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday Morning March 5th 2012 Message

Good morning, my name is Ken Mattison, hospital president. I routinely hear stories of how our hospital chaplains have made a difference in the lives of our patients who are facing various crises.  At Florida Hospital Waterman we give whole-person care. Our lives are more than just our bodies. We are social, spiritual, and emotional beings who need to give careful attention to all of these areas.  Chaplains are clinically trained to meet people at the crisis point of a wide range of human experiences.  I thank God for their presence and work among all of us here at Florida Hospital Waterman.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday Morning Post

Good morning, my name is Ken Mattison, hospital president. The hubble telescope has opened the heavens. Light pollution dims our experience of the stars but the hubble gives us breathtaking glimpses of colorful planets, constellations, and galaxies. I am so awed by the grandeur of it all, that I understand a little of what King David meant in the Psalms when he said, “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?” May our hearts overflow with gratitude to our Creator today!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thursday Morning Blessing

Good morning, my name is Ken Mattison, hospital president.  Hospitals are complex organizations with daily challenges in all areas.  I know there is not a department in the hospital that isn’t working at full throttle to meet the needs of our patients.  We have come together to combine our complementary skills to offer a comprehensive network of care for Lake County.  God bless you today as you reach out to bless your fellow citizens.