Monday, April 30, 2012

Life is Precious...

Each day of life is a precious gift from our God. Sometimes we take life for granted, but a hospital experience usually reminds us of the truth-that this precious gift is fragile and must be cared for. Take time to think of ways you can treasure our health and to do our best to treat our bodies with the respect they deserve & appreciate the pleasure of being alive today. Life is Precious!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Volunteers touch lives and life spirits.

Did you know that Florida Hospital Waterman has 250 active volunteers working in various areas throughout the hospital? They are the first smiling faces you see when you walk in our hospital. Touching lives and helping to lift the spirits of the community we serve. We value the time our volunteers dedicate to help our staff and our patients.

Share a story of when you volunteered or about an experience where a volunteer made a difference in your life.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Careers and Professions Needed at FHW

There are thousands of professions in our modern world and many of them are needed in our day-to-day operations at Florida Hospital Waterman: from computer skills, cooking to nursing, and cleaning (and everything else in between) we need pe...ople who have dedicated their minds, hands and hearts to come together on common hospital ground to give an uncommon level of care. See what jobs are avaiable right now at FHW